Model Transgender Teddy Quinlivan Jadi Wajah Baru Chanel Beauty

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Teddy Quinlivan

Teddy Quinlivan

Teddy Quinlivan, jika belum familiar dengan sosoknya, then you will definitely know. Menjadi bintang untuk campaign rumah fashion sekelas Chanel, sudah jelas Teddy bukanlah orang baru di dunia fashion dan beauty. Sebelum resmi menjadi transgender di 2017, ia telah berjalan di sejumlah runway, beberapa di antaranya adalah Chanel, Louis Vuitton, dan Gucci. Semenjak itu ia langganan melenggang di Fashion Week dan muncul di cover majalah seperti Porter Magazine dan L’Officiel.

Membintangi beauty campaign juga bukan hal baru bagi model 25 tahun ini. Teddy Quinlivan sebelumnya, wajahnya dipakai untuk kampanye sejumlah brand, sebut saja MILK Makeup, Redken, dan Maison Margiela Fragrance. Membintangi kampanye terbaru Chanel Beauty kini jadi langkah besar pada kariernya. Terlebih, ia adalah model transgender pertama untuk Chanel. Siapapun yang berada di posisinya tentu akan merasa sangat bangga. Dan seperti itulah yang model asal Boston ini rasakan. Memberikan kabar gembira ini di Instagram, ia menuliskan rasa syukurnya.

“I find I don’t cry anymore when things are sad, but isn’t it interesting when we shed tears in moments of triumph. This was one of those triumphant cry moments for me. My whole life has been a fight. From being bullied at school consistently, kids threatening to kill me and going into graphic detail how they were going to do it, my own father beating me and calling me a fagot, to receiving industry blowback after speaking publicly about being sexually assaulted on the job… This was a victory that made all of that shit worth it.”


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💄CHANEL BEAUTY💄 -I find I don’t cry anymore when things are sad, but isn’t it interesting when we shed tears in moments of triumph. This was one of those triumphant cry moments for me. My whole life has been a fight. From being bullied at school consistently, kids threatening to kill me and going into graphic detail how they were going to do it, my own father beating me and calling me a fagot, to receiving industry blowback after speaking publicly about being sexually assaulted on the job… This was a victory that made all of that shit worth it. I had walked 2 shows for Chanel while I was living in stealth ( stealth meaning I hadn’t made my trans identity public yet) and when I came out I knew I’d stop working with some brands, I thought I’d never work with the iconic house of Chanel ever again. But here I am in Chanel Beauty Advertising. I am the first openly trans person to work for the house of Chanel, and I am deeply humbled and proud to represent my community. The world will kick you down, spit on you, and tell you you’re worthless. It’s your job to have the strength to stand up and push on, to keep fighting, Because if you give up then you will never experience the tears of triumph. Thank you to everyone who made this dream a reality! @nicolaskantor @shazmakeup @sebastienrichard1 @casadevallbelen

A post shared by Theodora Quinlivan (@teddy_quinlivan) on

Di caption yang ditulisnya, ia pun sempat khawatir tak bisa bekerja lagi dengan Chanel saat membuka identitas barunya sebagai transgender. Namun, ketakutan tersebut nyatanya tidak terbukti. Chanel masih mempercayainya untuk mewakili “Summer Look” di kampanye terbaru.

“I had walked 2 shows for Chanel while I was living in stealth (stealth meaning I hadn’t made my trans identity public yet) and when I came out I knew I’d stop working with some brands, I thought I’d never work with the iconic house of Chanel ever again. But here I am in Chanel Beauty Advertising. I am the first openly trans person to work for the house of Chanel, and I am deeply humbled and proud to represent my community. The world will kick you down, spit on you, and tell you you’re worthless. It’s your job to have the strength to stand up and push on, to keep fighting, because if you give up then you will never experience the tears of triumph. Thank you to everyone who made this dream a reality!”

Untuk Chanel sendiri, bisa dibilang memilih model transgender Teddy Quinlivan sebagai wajah adalah gebrakan yang menandakan dirinya turut menyuarakan inclusivity. Kampanye inclusivity memang sedang gencar-gencarnya disuarakan. Orang tak lagi dikotak-kotakkan dan perbedaan semakin dihargai. Dengan ini, Chanel jadi brand besar yang mengikuti dan mendukung gerakan ini.



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